“You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your handsome prince.” I’ve always loved that little quote. Several years ago in the gift shop at the hospital they had some cute little pewter frogs with tiny little crowns on them, and a little card that said “Someday my prince will come.” I bought one of the little froggies, and he has kept me company for quite some time now. I never actually believed it, and I never even particularly wanted a handsome prince. I’ve had a husband or two, one that for a while was my handsome prince, and one that would qualify as … well, we won’t go there. I’ve kissed my fair share of frogs over the years, and finally gave up when all I got for my effort was warts.
We live in a fast-paced world, where our days melt together into weeks and months, and when we blink our eyes, a year has gone by. I find this to be ever truer the older I get. Life experiences teach us, mold us, and shape us into who we are today. As a more mature (I refuse to say middle-aged) adult, caution has been the order of my life for many years now, and I simply just gave up kissing frogs. A recent post tells the story of how I reconnected with a “crush” from the past, and how famously we’ve been getting along. Let me assure you, though, that there was no frog kissing involved in this relationship. Oh no. He came to me already in Prince mode, and every day has confirmed his status as such.
There’s another little cynical saying that always gave me a chuckle: “Someday my ship will come in. And I’ll probably be stuck at the airport.” Today I’m very delighted to report that not only has my ship come in, but I was waiting at the dock, right on time. On board the ship was not an ugly frog, but my handsome prince, who has completely stolen my heart, yet guards it as his own.
I will never again have to kiss another frog. My prince has come. And we shall be married in June.
This amazing man went to my parents yesterday, and formally asked for their blessing. He spent over an hour in their home, talking about our relationship, about his plans for our future, and how important it is to both of us for them to be on board with our decision to marry. Wow. Is that a fairy tale prince, or what? My parents are delighted that such a fine man has come along to be a part of my life. I can imagine that they are even somewhat relieved to know that when they are gone, they will be leaving me in such loving, capable hands.
Is it soon to be engaged? Some will think so. We do not. I’ve always heard “when it’s right, you know it”. And I know it. We know it. Life is short. We are getting older. We are never promised our next tomorrow. During the next few months (177 days, but who’s counting????), we will address the logistics of where to live, etc., spend quality together-time with both families, and set about the task of blending our two families. My closest friends who have watched this unfold are so excited! There are quite a few people who have known both Steve and I our entire lives, and these friends are especially excited to see that we have found happiness together. A dear friend that we visited last Saturday night shared her grief of losing her husband of many years, and her young-adult daughter within the past couple of years. She encouraged us to not waste a moment, and never take tomorrow for granted. When we left her home, we looked at each other and pretty much at the same time said “we can’t wait”. We talked long into the night, and finally I handed him the calendar and told him to pick a date. Inside the little square for June 17th, he took a pen and drew a little Valentine heart, complete with an arrow sticking through it, with SH + CB written inside, like we used to do in grade school. So June 17th it is. And it can’t get here soon enough for me.