Here's my account of last week's away game:
This past Friday the Doggs, Cheerleaders, coaches, support staff, and the DoggBand loaded up and headed to Duluth for our first official away game. Whitney and I had signed up to be bus chaperones, and it was like going back in time 16 years ago to my first bus chaperone trip when she was in 9th grade. All the hustle and bustle in the band room, inspections, and dismissal. What fun memories!!
What I had forgotten about was the actual school bus ride. I think buses have shrunk in size since those days, and the backs of the seats are higher. This is not good for a person with claustrophobia. In the olden days, I got my very own personal seat that I did not have to share with anyone. Part of this reason was I was also Keeper Of The Medical Bag in years 2, 3, and 4. This year the buses are full to capacity, and I actually had to share my seat. Thankfully, it was with Whitney. Unfortunately, I got on the bus a bit sooner than necessary. No movement, no air flow, I couldn’t see over the seat in front of me, nor the back of my own seat. As one by one the bodies came on board, it felt like the world was closing in on me. I was by the window, so at least I was able to scramble up and hang my head out the window for a bit and get some fresh air. Once we started moving, it was fine… as long as I kept my mind off of the tiny little section space that I was wedged into. The trip took a little longer than expected, because of a detour made necessary by a train stopped on the tracks.
Aside from the claustrophobia, it was great being on the bus with the band kids again! The major difference this time around is that Whitney actually claimed me as her mom, and even sat with me! It seemed really odd not knowing the other chaperones or the kids. I found myself looking for *my* kids, and every now and then I would see someone who reminded me of one of the 2000-2004 group. I love doing the chaperone thing with Whitney, but I sure did miss the old Friday Night Crowd – Nancy and Phil Stephens, Linda and Charles Perry, Karey Russell, Delores Smith, Kitty McCall, Christine Shaheen, Beth Savage, and all the other parents who made it so much fun.
The Doggs looked great on the field, and it was a very exciting game. Back in the day, I was more interested in band stuff than football, but this year the games have been exciting to watch. Here’s to hoping that trend continues, and the Doggs go all the way!
I’d love to say the band looked great on the field. Well, actually, they did look great on the field. We just had to watch from behind. The hosting school, Northview in Duluth, has a policy that doesn’t allow any visitors on their side of the field. I went to every away game from 2000-2001 to 2003-2004, and that has never been an issue. Chaperones, band support folks, parents, and students have always gone across to the hosting side in order to watch BOTH bands perform. We’d clap and holler for our kids, and when they finished playing, we respectfully watched the home team’s band play, and clapped and hollered for them just the same. It’s just what you do. We have seen some awesome bands from other schools, and always support them with our cheers and applause.
We were quite disappointed and upset that we weren’t allowed to go across at Northview. There were resource officers who simply would not let us pass. Not just WBHS, they said, but no visiting teams are ever allowed over there. We tried explaining that this was their first show to march, because of prior halftime shows being canceled due to weather, but no exception was to be made. A few parents went rogue and went the opposite direction and somehow made it across the gator-filled moat and past the fire-breathing dragon, and got into the stands, and were able to shoot a front-on video of the show. It’s on Facebook, if you want to see it.
As a mom, a band chaperone, and Keeper Of The Medical Bag for three years, it was also concerning to me that our kids were on the other side of the world with no adult support. Well, they’re not really kids, and they certainly know how to behave, but you never know when someone might need something, have an accident, or any kind of incident that could require adult supervision. That in itself would seem to merit allowing chaperones/parents into the stands.
Oh well. Here at WBHS, we welcome visiting band supporters into our stands, and show our support to all the visiting bands. Our band kids are taught to appreciate the opposing team’s band, and show them the respect they deserve.
And on that note, if you are in the stands while the visiting band is performing, it would be really great if you would also show them the same supportive cheers and applause that you graciously show to our own fabulous WBHS Marching Bulldogg Band! #HighRoad Go Doggs! Yay Band!!