Shortly after I started blogging, I wrote a post that
addressed holiday emotions: HolidayCheer, Holiday Blues (which would later become my first published article!) At
the time I wrote it, I was at a good place in life, happily single, surrounded
by fabulous friends and family, and had “adopted” a group of elderly widow
ladies at church. I’ve always had a
heart for people who seem lonely, and it blessed me so much to bring a
tiny little ray of sunshine into the lives of these ladies simply by reminding them
how special they are. We all have
friends who have lost loved ones, or who are separated by work or military obligations,
etc. The holidays, while filled with
magic and wonder for many, are often difficult times of sadness for those who
are lonely. My article encouraged the
reader to remember those who might be hurting or sad, and to be a blessing to
someone in need.
Four years later, I find myself on the other end of the
spectrum – one of those people facing an empty chair at my dinner table, a
lonely spot on my sofa, and one pillow on my bed instead of two.
Is it possible to remain thankful through heartbreak and
Each November, lots of folks on Facebook will post every day
of the month something for which they are thankful. I love reading these posts! Some
are lighthearted and comical, but most are heartfelt and meaningful. I didn’t participate this year. Instead, I just added a silent “amen” or
sometimes clicked the “like” button to the posts of others. I read each and every one, and was surprised
at how many folks sometimes commented that “nobody probably reads these”. Yes, people read them, and perhaps like me,
were reminded to be thankful for those things we often take for granted.
Being thankful seems to comes natural to me. I suppose it probably originated from my
early years, when learning to talk to God during prayer. I was taught to thank God for my blessings. And to thank Him for my trials, even though I
may not understand the reason for them. (No
doubt, the blessings are way easier to be thankful for than the trials. Bleh.)
The dark days of trials are tough, and I sometimes have trouble
thanking God for the bad stuff. Even so,
I can usually manage to find something for which to be thankful. Sometimes it's just being thankful to have made it through the day without a meltdown, or without stabbing someone with a fork. I have learned (and continue to learn) many things while navigating the stormy waters of this trial.
Things about myself, things about others. About what matters most. And who matters most. I don’t like the place where I am
emotionally, but I am thankful that every day, another tiny, microscopic sliver
of light dispels another tiny, microscopic sliver of darkness. Today is better than 126 days ago when my
world was forever changed. For that I am
thankful. I am stronger than I ever
thought I could be – and for that I am thankful - but only because I have
traveled through a place where I was weaker than I ever could have imagined. Am I a
better person for the journey? Some days
I would say yes. Some days not so much. I still sometimes feel the need
to pitch a hissy fit, and some days I can’t help throwing flaming arrows and
prickly barbs at the one who hurt me.
Those are not my finest moments. It
usually doesn’t take me long to come back to earth and face the very simple
reality. It Is What It Is. For the trip back to reality, I am
Everybody hurts.
Everybody cries, sometimes. (Thank you, REM, for a great song!!) I'm not alone.
I don’t understand it.
I doubt that I ever will. If you
know me well, you know I’ve got some control freak DNA goin’ on, and there is
the need to at least understand it, since I had no control over it. But I don't understand. I really
hate that part!! The assault on my heart and my emotions has been devastating –
but the collateral damage has been extensive as well. My family has rallied around me in such a
manner that makes me think of a mama bear protecting her cub. I have seen their tears and sadness in my
behalf, and I have listened to their words of encouragement. Family matters. And for them I am thankful.
Going through this experience has also reminded of a foolish decision I made long ago that inflicted the same kind of damage to another family that I love, and I am humbled by, and very thankful for, their forgiveness.

Never in a million
years would I have traded my husband for
these things. But since my husband decided to shake things up and end our
marriage, I am thankful for the blessings that were waiting for me back home at The 409.
There’s no
denying that this has been one of the worst years in the history of my entire
life. Every day is a struggle through
the mud and quicksand. I am reminded of
an earthquake that destroys the landscape.
The rocks and trees will someday settle back into place, the rubble will be cleared and the buildings replaced. Years down
the road the untrained eye might never know of the deep chasms that once
ripped open the face of the earth. But
the contour of the land is forever changed, and the scars will be deep. Years from now, one may never know of this
awful journey I’ve taken. Life will go
on, and there will be brighter, happier times.
But the scars will run deep, and the shape of my life has forever
changed. I am a different person. Better or worse… that remains to be
seen. I hope and pray I will be a better
person, a kinder person, and a more thoughtful and compassionate person. In the meantime, the landscape is still
pretty much a wreck, and there are broken boulders strewn all about – but with time
and patience, God’s grace and mercy, and a little help from my guardian angel…
I’ll be just fine. And I will choose to be
thankful for everything I have learned.
While it has been a crappy year, and I've pretty much made it All About Me, I do indeed have a Thankful List that has nothing to do with my personal drama. Like most everyone else, my Thankful List includes my faith, family and
friends, to live in a free nation, God's grace and forgiveness, my home, my job, those
who serve and protect, etc. With a list
like that, how can I complain?
Yes, it is possible to remain thankful during heartbreak and disappointment. Not only is it possible, it is a key element in the healing process. I am thankful for my blessings, and I am thankful that in my trials, I am never alone.
Yes, it is possible to remain thankful during heartbreak and disappointment. Not only is it possible, it is a key element in the healing process. I am thankful for my blessings, and I am thankful that in my trials, I am never alone.
But above and
beyond the scope of all the above things listed, for this Thanksgiving Day 2012,
I am most thankful for my guardian angel… my dearest, and one of my oldest
friends since even before elementary school…. Debbie Jo. My wings flutter a little stronger every day,
and soon I’ll be able to fly on my own again… because of her. I am so blessed.