
Welcome to my blog. Thanks for coming! One day I hope my little piece of internet real estate will be home to lots of family photos, pictures of my scrapbook and card art, with some random thoughts and memories posted on a somewhat regular basis. Mostly my world is very predictable, but occasionally some excitement will find me, so visit often. Who knows what useful (or useless) information you may find here.


Monday, October 22, 2012

And Miles To Go Before I Sleep

Wow.  What a busy start to a busy week.  Grandparents' Breakfast with Leyland and Corey at school today, then a visit to the book fair.  (Well planned, SES... haha!)  My grandchildren are such braniacs - their book choices were Justin Bieber and Batman.  Oh well.  As long as they will "read" them, I'm fine with their selections.  At least I was able to convince Corey he really didn't want the book on zombies and werewolves.  Superheroes trump zombies any day for this Greemaw.  Mary's class has Grandparents' Breakfast and book fair on Wednesday.  Wonder what book she will choose?

Then off to Winder with a long list of places to go and people to see.  First stop was State Farm to report my recent vehicle change (a month ago, I think?) and get coverage changed to the Sportage.  I didn't get the thingy from the car dealership until Thursday to take to the tag office (since my tag expired yesterday - a Sunday).  Thankfully, there was a reminder that I needed proof of insurance to do the tag thing.  Ooops!!  I had forgotten all about making that phone call.  With a limited amount of time this morning, it was crucial to plan my route carefully.  For such a small town, Winder has some big traffic issues, and it can be nightmarish trying to navigate the fair streets of the city.  Next stop was the ATM at the bank in case I needed cash for my next stop -  the courthouse.  That was a good move.  I did need cash for copies.  Good thing I remembered to do the ATM thing, because my own personal superhero, Richard Russell, was not in the courthouse today to spot me some cash, like he did the last time I was there.  Thank you Vicky, for once again, knowing exactly what I needed and getting it for me quickly.  And your kind words are always appreciated.  Then, with proof-of-insurance in hand, it's off to the Tag Office at the annex building, which is also on the way to the Social Security Office, my next planned stop.  I noticed an Early Voting Today sign on the lawn at the annex, so I decided I'd go ahead and get that out of the way while I was out.  I can never remember my name on the voter registration card (Cathy, Catherine, Linda ... ) so I was a bit worried that voting out of my normal voting place would be problematic.  Especially since my current Driver's License has a totally different name and address.  No problems, though, and a wait time of less than ten minutes.  So, it's official!  I've cast my vote!!

In order to change my driver's license, I need my Social Security card, which has been stored in A Safe Place.... (Translation - I will never see it again).  Thinking maybe I had put it back in the safety deposit box, I decided a trip back to the bank could possibly eliminate a trip to the SSA office.  Besides, I've been meaning to surrender the safety deposit box anyway, since last year at a Black Friday sale I bought one of those handy dandy fireproof personal safe  things.  As of today, I've retrieved everything from the SD box, and surrendered my key.  So, there's another task I can mark as complete on my to-do list!! But, alas, the SS card was not inside.  Just a collection of bond certificates, various and sundry divorce papers, a note from my grandmother, and a proof set of coins from the year Whitney was born.

Shoot. That meant I would have to go by the SSA office.  Bleh.  I spent 45 minutes waiting in a room full of all varieties of people.  And there was this one lady who just insisted on getting in my *space* and breathing on me.  I don't even like people I know and love breathing in my face, much less a croupy, raspy-sounding stranger.  Trying not to appear rude or snobbish, I discretely paced the room for a moment and then found a different seat.  To my surprise and delight, the person behind the counter who finally called my number was none other than a childhood friend and classmate, so I retracted my horns and hid my pitchfork, and enjoyed a few minutes of catching up with her. (Trying to be mindful of the other folks waiting with their own horns and pitchforks, and not "visit" too long.) On the way home, just one more quick stop in the Pharmacy to pick up some medication, and now I can check off all the places I needed to go today.  Yes, I really did have a list.  If not, I'd get back home without going everywhere I needed to go.

And now I think I am finally ready to start my work day, which won't end until 11:00 p.m. tonight.  I'm a tad bit upset that someone scheduled a Presidential debate on a Monday night.  Don't these people know that I work Monday nights? (So I can send them some tax dollars!!)  I wonder if it's too late to petition them to change it to Tuesday night.  Hmph. The nerve.

At any rate, it was a busy morning, but I got tons of stuff done.  Even though my impatience was beginning to show a little at the SSA office, it really was a productive few hours.  Now I need to keep the momentum going, get lots of work done *at work*, and then it will be bedtime again.  Though I've already been miles and miles today already, there are still miles to go before I sleep.

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