
Welcome to my blog. Thanks for coming! One day I hope my little piece of internet real estate will be home to lots of family photos, pictures of my scrapbook and card art, with some random thoughts and memories posted on a somewhat regular basis. Mostly my world is very predictable, but occasionally some excitement will find me, so visit often. Who knows what useful (or useless) information you may find here.


Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Castle

It's today! It's today! My coffee's almost gone, and my Saturday Morning Headache is beginning to fade. Today's the big day- -when I make a feeble attempt at painting a castle on the wall in the Princen Room. I posted earlier about a really neat box of Princen wall decor thingies I found on clearance. Whitney and I had the bright idea to get Travis to paint the castle on the wall, since the decal wasn't large enough. We weren't able to connect with Travis in a timely enough fashion, so we decided that we would do it ourselves. Oh yeah. This should be rich. As you can see in the blurry photo, it is a very simple design, so surely we can manage that. The walls are painted and dried lovely shades of pink and purple, and last night I drew the castle outline with chalk. So far so good. Now I am armed with paint, brushes, sponges, etc., and have just about psyched myself up enough to have a go at it. It started raining yesterday, which we so desperately need, but it is supposed to rain all day, and sometime early in the morning hours tomorrow turn to SNOW, and in general just be a messy, wet, cold weekend. I mention that because it puts a monkey wrench in our moving plans for the weekend. In order to get Leyland's big-girl bed out of my storage building, we must first remove a plethora of boxes and furniture before we can access the bed and mattress. The lake in my back yard prohibits this. Even so... I'm off to the Princen Room to do my very best at painting a castle for my little Princen. I'll post pictures (maybe... maybe not... haha) when it's all finished.

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