HAPPY NEW YEAR YA'LL!!! Where has the time gone? Honestly, it seems like just a few weeks ago we were ringing in 2008. I hope everyone has a safe New Year's Eve, and that 2009 will be a happy, healthy and prosperous year for all! I am actually going out tonight to celebrate! I don't even remember the last time I did anything on NYE that didn't involve wearing my pajamas! Those fun evenings included working, playing on the internet, reading a book and/or watching Dick Clark on the tv- or a random combination of all the above. Tonight I'm having dinner at DJs, then going over to Lawrenceville to see my brother's band Departure. They are a Journey tribute band (remember Journey? one of my faves!) and though they have been playing a year or two, I have yet to hear them. So, tonight will find me wearing something sparkly that I bought on clearance after the holidays last year, (but who will know... I know YOU won't tell!) instead of my jammies, and if I can hold out til midnight, maybe I'll get a Happy New Year kiss (on the cheek from my brother... don't get all excited, now!). Tomorrow I'll be working. The hospital doesn't close for holidays. But I imagine it will be a light day, and hopefully there will be enough work to keep me busy the entire shift. Maybe, just maybe, I'll get some Christmas photos posted, though it will be in the new year. And just think. It will seem like only a few weeks/months that we'll be doing this all over again! Happy 2009!! Blessings to all!
Edited to Add: I have a Happy New Year Miracle!!! I'm somewhat particular
(suprise, surprise!) about fragrances. Years ago I was introduced to a body lotion at Victoria's Secret called Peach Hyacinth. mmmmm it smelled yummy. (And incidentally, the only thing in that Store For Skinny People that would fit me!) A couple of years later, they discontinued it. In desperation, I searched for a new signature fragrance, and finally found one at Bath & Body Works called Pearberry. (Sorry the pic is not scratch-n-sniff) Believe me though...double mmmmmm! Normally 9.50 a bottle, I would wait for them to put it on sale for 5.00 per bottle and replete my stash. As fate would have it, a couple of years ago they stopped stocking it in the stores, only to bring it out during their semi-yearly sale. Lo and behold, they are not even doing that any more! Funny confession time (and don't tell my mom) She always liked the way I smelled, so this past Mother's Day when I was broke and no time for shopping anyway, I went into my stash and gave her a bottle for Mother's Day. She was so happy. Now I am down to the last few drops in my last bottle, and I have been hoarding it like crazy, supplementing with some other kind of lotion that doesn't begin to compare. I even considered giving my mom the sob story, knowing that she would give me her half-used bottle. But I was strong, and didn't do it. Oh yeah, I could order it on line, but at 9.50 per bottle plus shipping, I just haven't been able to do that. I was going to use the last few drops before going out tonight. I think wearing a sparkly sweater definitely constitutes a special-enough occasion to wear my prized lotion. Well, my miracle is this: Whitney just called. She is at B&BW at MOG, and happened to ask the salesperson if they had any. She told her to check the clearance table, and Hallelujah! there are tons of bottles marked down to THREE DOLLARS EACH!!! Yipee!! I told her to get ten bottles!! I'll eat potted meat for a week to make up for it. So the next time you see me, be sure to get real close and take a good sniff. :-)

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